An Event History Analysis of Elementary School Principal Promotions in Taiwan
作者:游美惠(Mei-Hui You)、柯伯昇(Po-Sheng Ko) | 首次發表於 2020-06-29 | 第 40 期 June 2008
研究紀要(Research Notes)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract
本研究探究性別權力運作如何具體展現在男女教育工作者的職位晉升過程,發現每一位女性校長「成為校長」(從教師到主任再到校長)所花的時間,遠多於男性校長。在教師到主任升遷階段,女性升任主任的機會值只是男性教師的0.635倍;而從主任升遷到校長的這個階段,女性升任校長的機會值仍低於男性,但與升任主任階段比較已有改善。 男、女校長在職業生涯的發展過程中,大多數都會經歷婚姻與為人父母等生命中的重大事件,但是這些事件對於男性的職位晉遷卻影響較小。本文從照顧工作及其相關連的責任負擔切入探討其箇中梗概,希望能喚起政策與大眾對此議題之關注與重視。

This study uses an event history analytical approach to explore the career paths of elementary school principals in Taiwan. Existing research divides elementary school teacher career routes into two categories: teaching and administration. Statistics indicate that the number of women who achieve positions as elementary school principals is disproportionate to the number of women employed in elementary schools. Accordingly, this study focuses on two issues: (a) the potential for gender bias in promotions from teacher to administrative positions in Taiwanese elementary schools, and (b) whether domestic factors such as marital status, reproduction, and family caregiving affect teacher career development. Results from an event history analysis indicate significant gender differences in elementary school principals’ career development over time—that is, it takes longer for female elementary school teachers to make the transition to administration, with marital and caregiving factors being the strongest mitigating factors. The authors hope that these empirical findings prove useful in illuminating the current situations in which female leaders find themselves in terms of achieving educational management positions.

Keywords: gender and career, caregiving, elementary school principals, event history analysis