The Body Experience of Taiwanese Cancer Patients: Illness, Death, and the Power of the Medical Profession
作者:蔡友月(Yu-Yueh TSAI) | 首次發表於 2020-07-01 | 第 33 期 December 2004
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

The author synthesizes the micro and macro levels of illness and analyzes how cancer patients experience illness under the influence of modern medicine. Using data from participant observations and/or interviews with 36 Taiwanese cancer patients, the paper focuses on how modern medical, cultural, and social factors shape experiences of diseased bodies. Also examined are the new ”administrative technology of body” in contemporary society, changes in body images and self-identities, relationships between diseased bodies and the power of the medical profession, and ”body politics” in hospice treatment. The results show that a) individual experiences of cancer differ, and b) modern medicine and cultural and social factors play important roles in shaping such experiences. The limitations of modern medicine in dealing with chronic and incurable diseases are also discussed. The final issue analyzed in this paper concerns the possibility of cancer patients achieving autonomy in dealing with their illnesses within the confines of modem medical practices. The author argues that patients can impart new meanings to their suffering and that alternative agencies can arise, but only when they recognize the limitations of modem medicine and understand how medical, cultural, and social factors regulate their bodies.

Keywords: body, body image, illness, medical professional power, hospice