The Family Life Courses in Taiwan
作者:楊靜利(Ching-Li Yang)、劉一龍(Yi-Long Liu) | 首次發表於 2020-07-05 | 第 27 期 June 2002
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

This paper uses a multi-state life-table model to construct eight categories of female family life, which illustrate the changes that have occurred between 1980 and 1999. The data is from the marriage dynamic registration data in 1980 and 1999 Taiwan-Fujian Population Statistics and also the fertility data in 1992 Taiwan Regional Family Planning and Fertility Health Survey. The results indicate that the classical nuclear family life- course-which is defined as a female that married, had children, and is together until one of the couple dies- was the most popular type in both 1980 and 1999, though it declined in prevalence from 79% to 54%. Meanwhile, the proportion of family life-courses with a divorce stage-especially those that had children and then did not re-marry- rose from 2.7% in 1980 to 8.1% in 1999. The proportion of family life-courses without any children is also increasing, from 15.8% in 1980 to 33.7% in 1999. For families with children, the mean ages of females at marriage, c hild bearing and death has not changed in the past twenty years. For families without children, the mean ages of females at which these defining events occurred has changed significantly.

Keywords: Family Life-Course, Multi-State Life-Table Model, Marital Status, Fertility, Mortality
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