The Sense of Group Position between Han and Austronesian Peoples in Eastern Taiwan: The View from the Austronesian
作者:傅仰止(Yang-Chih FU) | 首次發表於 2020-07-06 | 第 26 期 December 2001
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract
東台灣有其獨特的歷史發展過程與族群人口組合漢人大量移入的時機比西部晚了兩百多年,原住民在東部所佔人口比例也明顯高於其他區域。近年研究顯示東部漢人對原住民的意象與態度明顯偏向負面,在社會距離和政策立場仁也趨向不友善。木文從弱勢族群立場著手,探索東台灣原住民如何看待原漢關係,對自己族群又抱持什麼意象、作何評價。實證分析資料除了零星的深度訪談記錄外,主要取自2000年「社會意向電話調查」中的原住民專題調查。由於這筆原住民樣本(N=810)其高度代表性,分析結果足以推論到台灣原住民母體。依據多項分析結果,東部原住民(佔樣本43.3%)在勤惰意象和社會距離上對我群的偏好,明顯不如對他群的偏好,和世居西部(佔39.4%)或移居西部(佔17.2 %)的原住民比起來,東部原住民也比較不贊成「社會不公平」是原住民社經困境的主因、不那麼強烈支持「原住民應該受到政府特別照顧」這項優惠原則。這些東部效應,均獨立於人口特徵、而土經地位、族別與居住背景、族群接觸等因素。東部原住民似乎接受當地漢人所界定的族群位階意識,以相當近似的態度立場來看我群和他群。在漢人強勢族群主導原漢仿階情境的東台灣,原住民受制於這種集體情境界定;有歷史發展與族群人口組合背景下,原住民不免也有著結構近似漢人觀點的原漢位階意識。

Eastern Taiwan's demographic composition reflects the unique historical development of its ethnic groups. As the Han majority settled in the region more than two hundred years later than they did in the West, the proportion of indigenous Austronesian peoples in the East is much higher than the national avetage. Recent studies emphasize that eastern Han, compared to those in the West. are more negative in their perception and attitudes towards indigenous peoples. They also maintain more distance front the aborigines, and express greater hostility towards the aboriginal welfare policy. This study moves a step further by investigating how the indigenous peoples perceive their relationship with the Han, how they portray their own self-image, and how they evaluate the national welfare policy. In addition to in-depth interviews, the study relies on a telephone survey aimed at Taiwan's aborigines in 2000. Our large sample (N=810) should reflect Taiwan's aboriginal population accurately. The m ajor findings confirm that the eastern aborigines (43.3% of the sample) sense the in-group less favorably than the out-group in terms of ethnic image and social distance. In comparison to their fellow western aborigines, whether they were born in the East (17.2% of the sample) or not (39.4% of the sample), the eastern aborigines tend to not to agree that social injustice is the basis for aboriginal plight, and are somewhat unsupportive of aboriginal welfare policy. Such regional effects remain significant after controlling for demographic characteristics, socioeconomic status, aboriginal tribes, and ethnic contacts. The eastern aborigines seem to agree to the intense sense of group position defined by the eastern Han. an the aborigines perceive the in-group versus the out-group in accordance with what the local Han recognize. While the Han command the ethnic relationship in the East where local history and demographic composition may well play a major role, the eastern Austronesian are confined by such a collective definition of ethnic hierarchy, thereby reinforcing a unique sense of group position between eastern Han and Auatronesisn peoples.

Keywords:  Ethnic Group Position, Aborigines-Han Relationships, Minority Groups, Taiwan Aborigines, Eastern Taiwan