A Study on Households' Housing Location and Commuting Decisions-The Comparison between Single and Double Income Households in 1990's Taipei
作者:陳淑美(Shu-Mei Chen)、張金鶚(Chin-Oh Chang) | 首次發表於 2020-07-15 | 第 24 期 December 2000
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract
本文主要探討雙薪家戶夫妻就業,或單薪家戶由丈夫或妻子養家,對於住宅區位選擇與通勤有何影響,並藉此議題驗證住宅區位與通勤的選擇是否符合空間均衡模型、相關資源與決策權力假說、及家庭責任義務的假說。實證分析採用1990年戶口及住宅普查台北市的資料,以排序的羅吉迴歸模型(logistic regression model)驗證四個假說。結果發現,在各區位環境異質的台北市,家戶選擇住宅區位,仍面臨房價與通勤成本的取捨。丈夫擁有較多經濟資源與決策的影響力;但是妻子就業,甚至養家並不顯著的影響決策,顯示當時台北市女性就業屬性的影響力較小,相關資源與決策權力假說適用於丈夫,卻不適用於就業的妻子。而妻子負擔養家的責任對於通勤距離沒有顯著的影響;另外照顧學齡小孩家庭責任則會使女性的通勤距離較短,家庭責任義務的假說成立。在全家效用最大化的前提下,家戶的決策與丈夫的影響力皆符合理性的預期,但是妻子的就業與資源可能非關鍵的影響因素。

This paper explores the effects on residential location choice in single and double income households in Taipei, and examines the relative hypotheses, such as the trade-off between housing price and commuting costs, relative resources and couple's decision-making, and household responsibility constrains. This empirical study employs the ordinal logistic regression model and uses the data from ”1 990 Census of Population and Housing in Taipei” to examine the above hypotheses. We've found that the households' residential location choice are facing the trade-off between housing price and commuting costs in Taipei, and the male spouses who are the primary financial provider of a family economy get more decision-making power than the female spouses are. On the other hand, the household responsibility to take care of the school-age or smaller children will yield the effect of the female shorter commute. In 1990, the hypotheses of relative resources and couple's decision-making, and household responsibility were supported for maximizing the household's utility. However, the female had weak marginal effect on residential location and commuting choice with their employment characteristics and resources.

Keywords: housing location choice, commuting decision, the trade-off between housing price and commuting costs, relative resources and couple's decision-making hypothesis, household responsibility hypothesis