The Development and Significance of Consumer Credit in Taiwan
作者:林寶安(Pao-An Lin) | 首次發表於 2020-07-05 | 第 27 期 June 2002
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

The consumer credit in Taiwan's financial system started in the 1980s, and progressed rapidly after the mid-1990s. The early stage was characterized by a boom of financing of mortgage loans, housing equipment loans and grouping credits. The latter stage featured diversified consumer credit ( non-collat​​eral) loans and revolving credit loans. This paper attempts to explain the significance of this change and its social and economic implications.
The policies of financial liberalization and deregulation caused the changes of financial systems and market structrure. It also forced the banks to move their interests mainly from business clients to individual consumers. Shifting basis of financing from mortgage to credit rating was a financial change with social and cultural significance. The risk management and the disciplinary structures based on credit records of consumers became the foundation of the rise of consumer credit finance.
This paper argues that consumer credit creates a new monetary language. In the traditional monetary language, such as the rotating-credit association and personal lending, credit and debt are embedded in a guanxi (relational) and trust network. In contrast, consumer credit has institutionalized and de-embedded them. As a result, credit and debt both have become individualized.

Keywords: Consumer Credit, Mortgage Loan, Monetary Language, Debt, Credit