Married Women's Status in the Family: An Example of Decision-Making Patterns
作者:陳玉華(Yu-Hua Chen)、伊慶春(Chin-Chun Yi)、呂玉瑕(Yu-Hsia Lu) | 首次發表於 2020-07-15 | 第 24 期 December 2000
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

This paper examines factors accounted for female's domestic status in Taiwan. Modernization and Marginalization theory serve as the underlying framework and conjugal pair are used as the analyzing unit. Based on the dynamic model of resource-process-outcome derived from the exchange framework an attempt is made to include structural as well as cultural variables. Samples are 500 married couples randomly selected island-wide in 1995.
Results indicate that for the two most valued decisions. namely expense allocation and child discipline, joint decision-making pattern has been widely adopted among Taiwanese couples. Based on the results from multivariate analysis, following the accumulation of human capital in the past decades, women's decision-making power somewhat reflects their potential in the contribution toward family economy. In addition, married women's role in the familial decision-making pattern is also affected both by the advancement in the family life cycle and possible sub-cultural diversity from different ethnic backgrounds. Modem sex-role attitudes, especially husbands', are also related to the non-traditional or pro-wife decision-making patterns.
The analyses of conjugal power structure support that modernization theory is probably more applicable in the Taiwanese setting. This is because on the one hand. the resource model has close linkage with the modernization framework. Also, the core argument of the marginalization theory emphasizes the concentration of female's labor force in the informal sector and its consequence of not enhancing female's status. Our findings suggest that informal work has its potential contribution to the joint decision-making pattern at home. Therefore, an integrated framework considering both resources exchange process and the social practices of patriarchal system is valid in the exploration of the conjugal power structure in Taiwan.

Keywords: female's domestic status, family decision-making, female's employment patterns, ethnic background, conjugal pair samples