Becoming a Barista: Aesthetic Labor and Taste as Distinction
作者:高子壹(Tzu-Yi Kao) | 首次發表於 2023-11-30 | 第 73 期 June 2023
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

As more young workers enter the coffee industry, a greater effort must be made to understanding the labor conditions of coffee shop workers. Several studies have categorized employees in the coffee shop industry as low-skilled workers, neglecting many of the cultural transformation factors associated with the current coffee shop industry in the post-industrial era. Acknowledging that baristas produce customers' aesthetic tastes in conjunction with selling coffee and cultural products, this study uses the concept of aesthetic labor to examine the role of taste in specialty coffee barista work. Using participant observations and data from interviews with 36 baristas, this study discusses discernible labor disparities between specialty and chain store workers, and explores aesthetic labor techniques such as perception, brewing, and service among specialty baristas who negotiate "good coffee" in competitive taste markets. Trained as taste brokers, producers, and gatekeepers, specialty baristas often experience elevated statuses while reproducing internal inequalities.

Keywords: Aesthetic labor, body work, coffee barista, cultural transformation, taste