Urban Land Readjustment and Informal Land Financing Networks: The Case Study of Taichung's Urban Land Readjustment Implemented by Private Sector
作者:顏誌君(Jerry Zhi-Jun Yan)、楊友仁(Daniel You-Ren Yang) | 首次發表於 2024-05-13 | 第 74 期 December 2023(最新一期)
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

Taking Taichung’s Unit Two Readjustment Zone as an example, this article aims to explore the phenomenon of cost equivalent land’s pre-sale in the urban land readjustment implemented by private sector in Taichung’s “overall development unit”, and investigate the mechanisms of the land financialization and local implementation that are affected by the land readjustment’s “privatization turn”. Issues include how developers utilized the land readjustment association to pre-sell cost-equivalent land; financing models, transaction characteristics, and network structures of the costequivalent land pre-sales; and ways that cost-equivalent land pre-sales affect the readjustment zone’s land market and governance. To speed up the readjustment zone development, developers created cost-equivalent land pre-sale practices plus a new type of financing means that uses costequivalent land as an investment reward to absorb funds from both personal and corporate investors. This is considered a gray area in Taichung’s urban land readjustment. In the absence of sufficient regulations, political and business elites are collecting huge amounts of rent through cost-equivalent land transactions, resulting in intensified rent-seeking behaviors and financial abuses.

Keywords: urban land readjustment implemented by private sector, cost equivalent land, land financialization, informality, informal land financing networks