Just Transition: Conceptual Histories, Theoretical Discussions, and the Prospect of Localization
作者:劉仲恩(John Chung-En Liu)、江順楠(Shun-Nan Chiang)、黃奕臻(Yi-Chen Huang)、魏揚(Yang Wei) | 首次發表於 2024-05-21 | 線上優先出版 Online First
研究議題討論(Review Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

This study examines the conceptual trajectory of "just transition" and considers its implications on Taiwan's intellectual and policy context. To address the climate crisis, Taiwan's government has established the goal of achieving "net-zero emissions by 2050" and identified "just transition" as a core strategy. The paper begins with tracing the emergence of just transition discourses in environmental and labor disputes, as well as its mainstreaming in global climate governance. The paper further reviews two key academic issues related to just transition: 1) the theorizing of environmental labor studies on labor-environment relationship; 2) the dialogue between just transition and the concepts of environmental justice, climate justice, and energy justice. Overall, we consider the "just transition" as a "sensitizing concept" that foregrounds various controversies and inequalities associated with the net-zero transition, thereby broadening the discourse on energy and climate governance. Finally, we also highlight the current limitations and development bottlenecks of the concept of just transition. The concept of just transition foregrounds social dimensions in climate governance and helps the field to move beyond technocentric agenda-setting. Equally important, this concept invites intersectional, interdisciplinary, and systematic perspectives, affording sociologists an entry point to contribute to climate dialogues and interventions.

Keywords: Just Transition, Climate Change, Socio-Technical Transition, Environmental Labor Studies, Environmental Justice