The Trends in the Distribution of Job Opportunities and Industrial Transformation in Taiwan, 1978-2012
作者:張宜君(Yi-Chun CHANG) | 首次發表於 2020-05-23 | 第 60 期 December 2016
研究論文(Research Articles)
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摘要 Abstract
本研究不同於過去以個體、平均薪資的觀點討論勞動市場變遷,而是以工作取代個人、分配替代平均,引進工作取徑(job approach)與相 對分配方法(relative distribution method),來描繪勞動市場35年來工作機會結構的變遷,並以區域勞動市場的分析架構,解釋可能影響因素。 延續偏向技術性勞動的科技改變(skill-biased technological change)的理論觀點,檢視產業結構變遷對勞動市場工作機會分布變化的影響。研究結果發現:勞動市場的整體工作機會分布的趨勢為高薪工作機會先增後減,而低薪工作機會先減後增,但近年有往兩極化發展的趨勢。再者, 工作機會分布的變化,主要受到產業結構轉型影響,後工業化促使工作 機會兩極化,在製造業從業人口維持穩定的情況下,產業結構變遷的影響主要表現在服務業的內部分化,高技術服務業提供了大量的高薪工作機會,使勞動市場進一步兩極分化。此結果在政策上說明了要減緩勞動 市場惡化或工作機會分布不均等問題,應該將關注視角轉移至服務業內部分化效果,才能真正有效地達到穩定勞動市場的目的。

This paper documents trends in job opportunity distribution in Taiwan over a 35-year period, and considers possible explanations for these labor market changes. Whereas previous studies have mostly used individual- and average-based analyses, this paper applies and modifies job approach and relative distribution methods to understand job opportunity polarization in the local labor market. The data indicate two major findings. First, higher- paying job opportunities increased at the beginning of the time period and then decreased, exactly the opposite of the trend for lower-paying job opportunities. Second, post-industrialization has contributed to increased job polarization, especially divisions within the service sector. High-skilled service sector provides especially more highly-paid job opportunities. The results suggest that focusing on the service sector division is one way to stabilize labor market employment structure

Keywords: labor market transformation, industrial transformation, job polarization, job approach, relative distribution method