Taiwan’s Bio-pharmaceutical Industry: Development, Innovation and Limitations
作者:陳琮淵(Tsung-Yuan Chen)、王振寰(Jenn-Hwan Wang) | 首次發表於 2020-06-26 | 第 43 期 December 2009
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract
本文探討台灣生技製藥產業的發展和創新模式。我們認為解釋台灣生技製藥產業的演化過程,必須考量全球商品鏈、國家機器角色和廠商技術能力之間的搭配關係。本文指出,台灣生技製藥產業發展有兩個主要階段:第一階段在1990年代以前,全球製藥產業被少數公司壟斷,台灣政府雖欲推動生技製藥產業,但缺乏對該創新型產業的理解,且政策規畫未掌握全球商品鏈的分工狀態,致使國家介入方向不明,無法與廠商緊密結合而成果有限。在1990年代中期之後的第二階段,由於國際生技製藥產業朝向將藥物的商品鏈切分開來,並開啟了委外研製模式。在此階段,一方面台灣政府開始大力扶植生技製藥產業,同時放棄以衍生公司主導產業的作法,代之以建立平台來推動;另方面廠商也逐漸切入產業商品鏈的不同區段,而呈現出新的創新類型。不過我們也將指出, 此類生技製藥產業的創新模式,雖能成功的與台灣中小企業結構特性結合強化廠商能力,但是這樣的模式卻僅有利於受國家資源支持的廠商, 而無法像過去一樣可以「創造」產業和就業。

The authors investigate the development of Taiwan’s bio-pharmaceutical industry and its pattern of innovation. We argue that in addition to the state factor, elements such as global commodity chains and technological capability are equally essential. Furthermore, we suggest that the development of this industry occurred in two stages. Pre-1990, the state took the lead in promoting bio-pharmaceutical research and production, but the effort failed due to a lack of engagement with private capital and lack of frontier knowledge on the development of the industry. Starting in the mid-1990s, the state became an enabler, and many smaller firms took advantage of the outsourcing practices of large international firms in order to engage in global commodity chains. However, even though the innovation pattern of Taiwan’s bio-pharmaceutical industry fits well with Taiwan’s institutional features, we believe that global links have benefited merely a handful of smaller firms rather than the industry as a whole.

Keywords: bio-pharmaceuticals, global commodity chain, industrial upgrading, innovation, Taiwan