Prematurely Modern Tourism in Taiwan under Japanese Colonial Rule
作者:蘇碩斌(Shuo-Bin Su) | 首次發表於 2020-06-30 | 第 36 期 June 2006
研究紀要(Research Notes)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

The author uses two perspectives to discuss the sociological aspects of tourism that resembled modem tourism in Taiwan during Japanese colonial rule: a) colonial-constructionalism, in which railroad-tourist promotion facilities and propaganda in mechanisms were created to present Taiwan as an object for Japanese gaze in line with the New Culture that emerged in Japan in the 1920s; and b) local tourism development, with the tourist boom associated with the 1935 Great Exhibition having an unusual ”carnival” characteristic, and with most rail-train tourists coming from the Taiwanese peasant class instead of labor class. Accordingly, travel in Japanese ruled Taiwan is best understood as a ”premature” colonial construction leading to modem tourism.

Keywords: modem tourism, colonial tourism, railroad, scenery