Pharmaceutical Industries, Hospitals and Doctors' Prescription Decisions: Exploring the Context of Medical Systems and Organizations
作者:謝幸燕(Hsing-Yen Hsieh) | 首次發表於 2020-06-30 | 第 34 期 June 2005
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

The author investigates the prescription decision-making processes of Taiwanese doctors within the context of the organizational dynamics of hospitals. As hospitals become more aware of their managerial power, the influence of doctors to make specific prescription decisions is being limited in terms of restricting categories and stocking/auditing pharmacy items. At the same time, pharmaceutical companies are using diverse strategies to influence physician choices, offering substantial incentives to large hospitals that provide greater profit compared to small hospitals and local clinics. According to the new Taiwanese model, doctors' prescription decisions are not always based on professional standards but on organizational factors. The medical system allows pharmaceutical companies to fulfill the self-interests of doctors via a combination of professional and non-professional marketing tactics, putting prescription quality in doubt.

Keywords: prescription decisions, agency theory, professional norms, pharmaceutical industry, organizational size
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