Imagined Modernities, Transnational Migration, and Border Control: A case Study of Taiwan's “Mainland Brides”
作者:趙彥寧(Antonia Chao) | 首次發表於 2020-07-01 | 第 32 期 June 2004
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract
自二○○三年春起,台灣公部門與公共領域開始有關移民署當如何成立的頻繁討論。這整個討論均視「解決外籍新娘帶來的社會問題」為移民署的未來核心業務。換句話說,全球化、國家權力與國境管理間多重複雜的關係被國家理解為婚姻移民帶來的「問題」。 「大陸新娘」在這個國家的分類系統中佔有特殊的位置。這篇論文引用深度訪談和參與觀察的田野調查資料,試圖說明年輕一代的「大陸新娘」多基於渴望現代性的想像故而與台籍配偶結縭,但此想像初受挫在台婚姻家戶的父系傳承規範,復因國家有關這些女性的公民身分規定,故而強化了剝削她們社會能動性的合法性。

Since the spring of 2003 how the Bureau of Immigration should be instituted has been frequently discussed in both the political and the social arena. Such a form of policy discussion has posited the “social problems” created by Taiwan citizens' foreign spouses (as commonly termed “foreign brides”) to be the chief task the Bureau shall take up in the near future. In other words, the State has understood the linkages between globalization sovereignty and border control as primarily represented by the “problems” transnational marriage brings about. Based on materials of in-depth interviews and fieldwork research, this paper means to highlight the fact that the younger generation of “Mainland brides,” ie, the “foreign brides” of Chinese origin, construct their agency in the initial stage of migration mostly on a specific mode of imagination for modernity. It highlights as well how in most cases such a form of social agency is later thwarted by the patrilineal rule of marital house hold a s well as the strict immigration regulation concerning their citizen’s rights.

Keywords: Mainland Brides, Transnational Migration, The Bureau of Immigration, Globalization, Imagination for Modernitys
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