Economic Action and Social Relations: An Investigation on the Protectionist Counter-movement
作者:潘美玲(Mei-Lin Pan)、張維安(Wei-An Chang) | 首次發表於 2020-07-03 | 第 30 期 June 2003
研究紀要(Research Notes)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract
本文目的在於討論經濟行動與社會關係之間的各種關係類型,以及兩個領域之間的界限與維持的機制,反省經濟行動利用社會關係時的工具化問題。從Karl Polanyi所提出的社會自我保護的概念出發,以及經濟社會學「鑲嵌」概念,本文從不同的文獻與研究當中歸納出互惠與雙贏、衝突與矛盾、以及隔離與迴避等三種經濟與社會的關係型態,指出這三種關係類型在日常社會生活中都有可能同時存在,幷且顯示社會的整合連帶本身在面對市場經濟發展擴張的過程中不一定是完全被動地爲其所支配,而是可能相互迴避或在經濟行動彼此互惠,會在各種經濟與社會邏輯衝突的場域産生各種社會自我的保護形式作爲回應,也因此限制了經濟邏輯對社會領域的完全征服,以及對社會關係的全面工具化。最後,本文建議只有從社會關係整合的觀點重新看待經濟行動與社會關係的互動,才能理解當代資本主義體系運作的全貌。

This research is to explore the relations between economic action and social relations by looking at the existence of social protective mechanism. Most studies on this issue focus on how are economic action embedded in social relations, or cultural context and assume a coherent and harmonious relationship between them. In contrast, this research is to identify an inherently tension between economic rationality and social logic. We outline three major relational types on economic action and social relations: embeddeded and mutually beneficial, conflict and conquered, and isolated and differentiated. We have found that the social protective mechanism can be existed in various forms depending the relations between economic action and social relations and their dynamics. This research has attributed to the study of social protective mechanism. The contribution is not only empirically identifying the substance of relationship between economy and society but also answer the mechanism of social arena existing in the modern capitalist world.

Keywords: market economy, embeddedness, self-protection of society