Autonomy and Dependency: Kongliao Anti-nuclear Movement and Meinung Anti-dam Movement to Construct two Ideal Types in Political Exchange
作者:何明修(Ming-Sho Ho) | 首次發表於 2020-07-03 | 第 30 期 June 2003
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

Among the tasks of social movement organizations, to transform the accumulated social support into political force is critical. To reach this goal, social movement has to find an established political ally and to build a workable relation of political exchange. This essay analyzes Meinung anti-dam movement and Kongliao anti-nuclear movement in order to construct two ideal types in political exchange, i.e., autonomy and dependency. Asocial movement is autonomous insofar it can independently decide its strategy with little constraint from the allied party. A dependent movement, on the contrary, faces an unequal relation and does not possess the capacity to expand and realize the goal by its own strength. This essay tries to present a causal explanation for the different political exchange types. Two factors, the origin of social movement and the resources of social movement organization, turn out to be explanatory. Different types of political exchange are also manifest in mobilization frames. In the end, this essay further reflects on the significance of movement autonomy.

Keywords: Social movement, political exchange, political party, movement resource, autonomy